Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Big sale

In the year 2009, Keronge coffee made a big sale. The coffee parchment were all gathered and packed together at Wagum (Nanda). They were weighed and packed properly into white coffee bags at 50 kilograms per bag. There were all together over 3 tones. The parchment bags were delivered by Sulu Raider a trucking company in Sialum. It was also assisted by Blue Bird another trucking company from Bakon village. The former is from Wetnga mixed Zankoa village. The both companies charge are freight of PGK20.00 per bag. The 3 tones was shifter from Wagum to Finschafen for almost 4 days. The coffee bags were then shipped to Lae by the MV Maneba of Lutheran Shipping. The freight charges were almost PGK170.00 The 3 tons of coffee was transported to Biwapi coffee processing facility at nine mile in Lae. The facility process the coffee of a cost of PGK0.10 per kilogram. The transport cost was PK5.00 per bag.
After the processing samples were taken to Coffee Industry Corporation which requested for samples to be tested before the green bean is going to be sold or exported. The report was favorable. There was a 80% recovery from the processing. This implies that 80% of 3,000 kilograms were sellable to the buyer. Approximately, 2.4 tones of green bean coffee were packed and ready to be sold to the buyers. A buyer was found and the beans were sold at PGK10.00 per kilogram. A total of PGK24,000.00 was made from this shipment.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Cherries of Keronge Mountain

In the mountain of Keronge in Sialum local level government, coffee is cultivated. The coffee plants are organically grown. The cherries are harvested all year around. The farms are managed by the Kevo clan of Gerup village. The male clan members each own plots on the farm. The total output of each year is three tonnes of green beans. Gerup village is about 1300m above sea level.